Monthly Meetings

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Unlock the power of your memories: Digitize your printed photos, and/or older format (VHS, Beta, Film) videos
Thursday, June 20, 2024
7:00 pm
4:00 pm

Unlock the power of your memories: Digitize your printed photos, and/or older format (VHS, Beta, Film) videos

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Unlock the Power of Your Memories
Are your cherished moments trapped in fading photographs and obsolete media formats (e.g. negatives and slides)? Don't let your precious memories fade away into oblivion! You will learn what options you have to preserve the sentimental value of your captured moments, so that they are present for generations to come.

Breathe New Life into Your Memories
State-of-the-art digitization services will transform your old photographs, VHS tapes, 16mm films, and Betamax movies into vibrant digital files, ensuring that your memories remain vivid and easily accessible. Say goodbye to the disappointment of being unable to find or relive those cherished moments captured on outdated media formats.

Unlock the Power of Organization
With currently available digitization solutions, you'll not only preserve your memories but also gain the ability to organize and share them with loved ones. Imagine having all your precious moments neatly cataloged and readily available at your fingertips, making it a breeze to find that special event or cherished face in an instant.

Embrace the Future of Memory Preservation
Don't let your memories become lost in the sands of time. Join the NSCS today and and let us show you how to unlock the power of digitization. We will help you through the process and answer your questions so you can select solutions that ensure your memories are safeguarded for generations to come.

Preserve your legacy, celebrate your past, and embrace the future of memory preservation with today's cutting-edge digitization services. Become an NSCS member today and let us show you how to breathe new life into your cherished moments.

Members Only Presentation and Tech Talk Time:
To listen to, or to participate in the Thursday, June 20th presentation, or the Tech Talk Time that immediately follows, you must be an NSCS member. It is not too late to join us and take part in both.

Zoom Meeting Details:
Zoom Meeting Details will be sent, only to NSCS members, on the Wednesday before the meeting day.

Spread the Word:
If you know others who may be interested in joining the NSCS, please spread the word by sharing this web page.

Did you miss this meeting? Click below to request the recording of this meeting.