Monthly Meetings

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What is "Blockchain"?  Why you should care, and learn about blockchain.
Thursday, December 8, 2022
7:00 pm

What is "Blockchain"? Why you should care, and learn about blockchain.

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What is Blockchain
As Dustin's Hoffman's character was told in the movie "The Graduate": "One word: ....[Blockchain]"  Well, not exactly, but what is "blockchain"?  Why should you know or care about it?  What is blockchain used for?  What does it look or feel like?  How do you use it?  

Join us for the December 8 NSCS virtual presentation, in which technology expert Mr. Patrick Barosy will explain in plain english what blockchain is. In addition to answering the latter questions, he will answer any of your questions too.

Mr. Barosy is an educator and technologist, real estate entrepreneur, and self-taught web developer as well as a photographer and videographer. His passion is navigating the intersection of education and technology.

Explore further: A blockchain is a new way of keeping track of transactions - i.e. a ledger, which is traditionally a manual accounting tool - with built-in proof/authentication that the information provided is verified and trustworthy - i.e. notary service/signature (called a "hash" in computer lingo) is embedded. If you would like to learn more about blockchain, here's a short YouTube video.

Members Only Presentation and Tech Talk Time:
To listen to, or to participate in the Thursday, December 8th presentation, or the Tech Talk Time that immediately follows, you must be an NSCS member. It is not too late to join us and take part in both.

Zoom Meeting Details:
Zoom Meeting Details will be sent, only to NSCS members, on the Wednesday before the meeting day.

Spread the Word:
If you know others who may be interested in joining the NSCS, please spread the word by sharing this web page.

Did you miss this meeting? Click below to request the recording of this meeting.